Sunday, August 03, 2014

1954 Bowman

1954 Bowman Pittsburgh Pirates

The Pirates pass the century mark in losses for the third straight season as they finish in last place with a record of 53-101.  Curt Roberts, the Pirates' first black player, made his major league debut as the starting second baseman on April 13, 1954.

See the 1954 Bowman Pittsburgh Pirates

Baseball Reference

Baseball Almanac

Team Set Checklist

11 Sid Gordon
27 Richard Roy Cole
43 Robert B. Friend
59 Robert D. Schultz
75 Max Surkont
91 Cal Abrams
107 Paul E. LaPalme
123 Toby Atwell
139 Preston Ward
155 Frank J. Thomas
171 Carlos Bernier
187 Verne Law
203 Vic Janowicz
219 Hal Rice

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